Am Mittwoch, dem 26.01.2022 um 15:57 -0700 schrieb Colin Campbell:
> On 2022-01-26 14:29, wrote:
> > Hello Colin, <snipped>
> > > Good morning to you,James!
> > > 
> > > A couple of quick(ish) questions:
> > > 
> > > Given a gitlab account, based on this email, do I need formal 
> > > permissions within Lilypond?
> > Yes, IIRC Jonas will need to give you a level of access so you can 
> > comment and change labels of MRs (i.e. move MRs from Patch::review to 
> > Patch::push etc).
> > > 
> > > Does "middle green tick" refer to what I see on lilypond/merge 
> > > requests/!<number>?
> > 
> > Yes, if you hover over the middle tick it says 'tests passed'. Click 
> > it and you get taken to a console window where you can see a URL link 
> > near the end of the build output that, when clicked, takes you to the 
> > reg test diffs (if there are any). The back button works OK in gitlab 
> > to take you back to the MR comment section.
> > 
> > I don't bother clicking on the other '2 ticks' (build and doc) but if 
> > for example the first two pass and the third (documentation) fail then 
> > I don't bother even looking at the reg tests as all builds need three 
> > green ticks to progress as a bare minimum.
> > 
> Excellent, James; just what I needed. As this is copied to the devel 
> list, I'm hoping it will serve as my request to Jonas, per the CG.

Done [1]. (Sorry for the slow response from my side, too much going on
around me right now.)

I'm very happy that we've found a volunteer to "take on the job". If
you have any problems with the script or the GitLab interface, feel
free to contact me either on- or off-list. I'm happy to help as best as
I can.


1: I didn't know that you can invite people based on email, that's
actually nice. Maybe we can put this into the CG, which currently only
mentions sending the username...

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