On 2022-01-26 14:29, pkx1...@posteo.net wrote:
Hello Colin, <snipped>
Good morning to you,James!

A couple of quick(ish) questions:

Given a gitlab account, based on this email, do I need formal permissions within Lilypond?
Yes, IIRC Jonas will need to give you a level of access so you can comment and change labels of MRs (i.e. move MRs from Patch::review to Patch::push etc).

Does "middle green tick" refer to what I see on lilypond/merge requests/!<number>?

Yes, if you hover over the middle tick it says 'tests passed'. Click it and you get taken to a console window where you can see a URL link near the end of the build output that, when clicked, takes you to the reg test diffs (if there are any). The back button works OK in gitlab to take you back to the MR comment section.

I don't bother clicking on the other '2 ticks' (build and doc) but if for example the first two pass and the third (documentation) fail then I don't bother even looking at the reg tests as all builds need three green ticks to progress as a bare minimum.

Excellent, James; just what I needed. As this is copied to the devel list, I'm hoping it will serve as my request to Jonas, per the CG.



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