Jean Abou Samra <> writes:

> Le 07/11/2021 à 21:59, Kieren MacMillan a écrit :
>> Hi Jonas,
>>> "Defect" is for problems within the "core program",
>>> which means either C++ or Scheme. I would argue that those two are not
>>> really separable in most cases
>> Does that mean for someone like me — with a fighting chance of
>> Scheme-ing, but very little chance of ever C++-ing — there are very
>> few [non-documentation] issues I can likely fix?
> A blatant counter-example is in the person of Harm.

Well, he's certainly not able to fix quite a number of bugs.  Except
that any sufficiently advanced workaround is indistinguishable from a
bug fix.

But that aside, he certainly has tackled a number of issues that were
more in line of a feature request than a bug fix, and for bugs outside
of the core C++ parts, he also has done quite a bit of fixing.

There are also a number of other people (like David Nalesnik) who have
contributed large pieces of magic mostly in the Scheme domain, partly as
off-the-cuff contributions to discussions on the list.

David Kastrup

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