Am Samstag, den 01.08.2020, 22:15 +0900 schrieb Masamichi Hosoda:
> > Thanks for all the explanation, I think I'm slowly starting to
> > understand the problem. I've tried to get short names with special
> > characters, but failed so far (maybe you need a setting for this?).
> > I'm giving up on this for now and will keep the code path with
> > MoveFileExW unless you feel strongly about removing it.
> Do you use German Windows?

I set up a virtual machine for testing LilyPond.

> Is its ANSI encodings CP1252?

Yes, German should be CP-1252, but "chcp" says that cp-850 is active.
Which is not a problem by itself because cp-850 also supports some
special characters that need multiple bytes in UTF-8.

> If so, maybe `ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ.ly` should not work with `stat ()` in msvcrt.dll.
> If I understand correctly, `Ä` is 1 byte in CP1252 and is 2 bytes in UTF-8.
> `ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ.LY` is 8 bytes + 2 bytes in CP1252 and 16 bytes + 2 bytes in UTF-8.

That was also my understanding, but "dir /x" already shows a short name
of "D15A~1.LY" for "ä.ly". Maybe I'm doing something wrong? (not used
Windows at that technical level for a few years now...)

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