Proposed changes applied to my local branch (most of them), see comments. Ta, Torsten File Documentation/changes.tely (right): Documentation/changes.tely:67: @emph{exactly} behaves like standard (i.e. default) beaming in every respect On 2020/02/24 05:24:25, lemzwerg wrote: > s/i.e./i.e.,/ Ah, then I suppose the changes.tely language is American English... In Europe, i.e. (sic!) British English, there's usually no comma after i.e. or e.g. But I'll update this and insert a comma. Done. Documentation/changes.tely:68: (beam positioning and placement of any articulation/fingering/etc.). The On 2020/02/24 05:24:25, lemzwerg wrote: > ... articulation, fingering, etc. Done. Documentation/changes.tely:69: only remaining difference being inner stems not passing through beams. On 2020/02/24 05:24:25, lemzwerg wrote: > s/being/are/ I've heard this a lot of times, but, OK, "are" is probably simpler. Done. File input/regression/ (right): input/regression/ { d32[^1 e^2 f^3 g^4 a^5] } s64 On 2020/02/24 05:24:25, lemzwerg wrote: > Please add one or more test cases for your 'french-correction' property. My 'french-correction' is an intrinsic part of the new French Beaming implementation. So I think the two existing regression files * and * already handle French beaming quite well and I've even added a few problematic cases to In the reg diffs (inserted by James, cf. Issue 5788), the most important changes can be clearly seen in both files, even wit the existing examples. Apart from that, probably hardly anybody will ever use French beaming, and the most important regression test by far is all the non-French cases that must not change by my intervention. What specific French beaming examples are you missing? File lily/include/beam.hh (right): lily/include/beam.hh:36: struct Beam_stem_length On 2020/02/24 06:44:39, hanwenn wrote: > Beam_stem_end ? Agreed. Done.