Lukas-Fabian Moser <> writes:

>> The build log talks about
>> --noconfigure
>> can you confirm that with "   ./ && make -j4" it also fails?
> Fwiw, I had the same compile error as David yesterday. (It had been
> quite a while since I last pulled & compiled, so I was not very much 
> surprised when make didn't succeed - I was halfway into trying to
> bisect to find out just when in the last few months it stopped working
> on my system when David's staging-broken alert arrived.)
> My system is a down-to-earth Mint 19.3.

Color me curious: why would you try building staging?  The whole point
of the staging system was to avoid breakage for developers.  Only patchy
processes are supposed to care about staging.

David Kastrup
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