One of the things in Kieren's intro to the Edition Engraver (EE) that resonated with me was the context paths. His example was something like `singwithbach.along.Voice.B`, which was supposed to refer to something like this:
\context Staff = "along" { \context Voice = "B" { ... } } The ability to refer to contexts this way is a great idea, though IMHO it needs some work to reduce ambiguity. But the point I came here to make is this: if an EE using a similar syntax is ever to be a part of LilyPond proper, the syntax ought to be consistently supported for other LilyPond commands that refer to contexts. For example, \context along.Voice.B { ... } \set = #... \change Voice = ChoirStaff.A.Staff.B It would be wise to ask whether there are use cases for any "pronouns" (like `.` and `..` in file paths, and `this` in C++) to make it possible to root a search very specifically. The existence of the `descend-only` music property suggests that there might be. I also think I have a pretty good use case for finding "the closest enclosing context where a given property is defined," but I am not now prepared to elaborate. — Dan