On 30.07.19 01:39, David Kastrup wrote:
Stracing shows that after 'make all' it is also necessary to execute
'make install' prior to 'make test-baseline' or 'make test-clean'.
That's insane. Having to install LilyPond before being able to test it
makes no sense.
During regression testing we use "musicxml2ly --out=- -". A strace log of such
a run is in TC.18804.
grep ^openat TC.18804 | grep -v ENOENT | grep /home/knut/sources | \
sort | sed -e 's|[^"]*\"/home/knut/sources/lilybuilt|$PREFIX|' \
-e 's|[^"]*\"/home/knut/sources/lily/build|$BUILDDIR|' -e 's|\"[^"]*||' |
results in
So only the musicxml2ly file is from the version to test, all the other python
files are old.
If 'make install' is omitted, the result depends both on files from
the baseline version and on files that belong to the version of
lilypond that was last installed with the same prefix.
Then we need to fix that.
If the process also succeeds on your system we would know that patchy
needs a fix.
No, that make test needs a fix. make test is supposed to test the
version in the work directory, not some weird amalgamate between system
installed version and work directory version.
Any idea what would be required here?
The fastest 'fix' would be to compile with a prefix pointing into a subdirectory
of the build directory and installing into that prior to 'make test-baseline'.
But that is an ugly workaround. I'll have a look at the makefiles this night.
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