David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:

> Knut Petersen <knut_peter...@t-online.de> writes:
>> On 26.07.19 20:36, David Kastrup wrote:
>>>> Unless Knut is also running patchy now that he has commit access (and
>>>> perhaps didn't have a clean master?).
>>>> (I don't want to cast aspersions, but it might be a genuine mistake if
>>>> it was Knut). Knut?
>>> I rather doubt that it was Knut since I mentioned the procedures to him
>>> right now and you said that you pushed the patch in question anyway (so
>>> it's very unlikely that he'd run the patchy subsequently responsible for
>>> promoting it to master).
>> I never used patchy. According to my memories and according to my logs
>> pushing the commits to staging was done right and successful.
>> But yes, there is a local branch master on my system. I never thought that
>> there is a clone of the lilypond repository without a local master as
>>    git clone git://git.sv.gnu.org/lilypond.git
>> clones the repository and checks out 'master'. Sorry for the mess.
>> It's clear that 7583351fbf2f08a4d1f3f0b075fe8b691adc0b95 needs
>> to be fixed.
>> What happened to the musicxml2ly patch? It vanished from staging.
>> Shall I push it again?
> It didn't pass patchy testing on my computer with failures in the
> musicxml files.  So it appears to have a problem with, uh, Python
> 2.7.16+ (according to python --version on my current Ubuntu).  If you
> need more pointers, I can try getting useful logs.

20 weeks delay for a mail to reach the list must be some sort of
record.  Good thing that I had Knut in Cc.

David Kastrup

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