I would think that rounding the int and keeping lastpos as an integer
would be less invasive and I would do that.
It would be less invasive, the question is what the right thing would
be.  Anybody have an idea whether non-integer positions can sensibly be
employed here for, say, chromatic notation systems having three
positions per staff-line?  Or is that all integer in that case?

There's this strange comment in lily/stem.cc:564 that kept worrying me, the basic logic being:

  bool parity = true;
  Real lastpos = Real (Staff_symbol_referencer::get_position (heads[0]));

  for (vsize i = 1; i < heads.size (); i++)
      Real p = Staff_symbol_referencer::get_position (heads[i]);
      Real dy = fabs (lastpos - p);

        dy should always be 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, but provide safety margin
        for rounding errors.
      if (dy < 0.1 + threshold)
          if (parity)

              [move note head to non-default side of stem]

          parity = !parity;
        parity = true;

      lastpos = int (p);

This was introduced by Han-Wen in 2004 (e7cb72c9fce) with the following patch:

   bool parity= true;
-  int lastpos = int (Staff_symbol_referencer::get_position (heads[0]));
+  Real lastpos = Real (Staff_symbol_referencer::get_position (heads[0]));
   for (int i=1; i < heads.size (); i ++)
       Real p = Staff_symbol_referencer::get_position (heads[i]);
-      int dy =abs (lastpos- (int)p);
+      Real dy =fabs (lastpos- p);

-      if (dy <= 1)
+      /*
+       dy should always be 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, but provide safety margin
+       for rounding errors.
+      */
+      if (dy < 1.1)
       if (parity)

              [move note head to non-default side of stem]

       parity = !parity;
     parity = true;

       lastpos = int (p); // (*)

That is: Before, although note head positions were floats, they were immediately truncated to integers for any calculations. After, they were allowed to be floats, but

a) the explicit downcast to int was not removed at (*) (this is where the misplaced-note-head-bug arises) b) a comment was added claiming that the floats should in fact be rationals with denominator 2.

To me, this would seem to suggest that the "less invasive" bugfix I proposed (by rounding) would in fact preserve the incompleteness in the move from int to float calculations that Han-Wen probably introduced by accident (unless (*) is motivated in a way I do not understand). This would seem to me to suggest that (*) should be replaced by a straight "lastpos = p;".

It all comes down to the question I can't answer due to lack of knowledge about the internal workings: What's the rationale for the claim that dy can only be integer or .5?


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