Reviewers: lemzwerg,
On 2019/02/28 09:15:44, lemzwerg wrote:
LGTM. However, I'm not completely happy with it. What about making
(and \fermataMarkup) accept an optional argument that indicates the
\fermata 'short
\fermata 'veryLong
I’m not sure whether that would be an improvement; I used the same names
as for the scripts as it is done with \fermata[Markup]:
% currently possible
\markup \fermata
{ b1-\fermata R\fermataMarkup }
% after this patch
\markup \verylongfermata
{ b1-\verlylongfermata R\verylongfermataMarkup }
\fermata 'verylong isn’t easier to type or to remember than
\verylongfermata IMHO.
\fermata "arbitrary markup stuff"
We definitely don’t need that. If you want a script, just use the
correct command like -. or \staccato or a TextScript. If you want a
markup, just write \markup "foo" instead of \markup \fermata "foo". If
you want to center something above a MultiMeasureRest, just use {
R1-"foo" } instead of { R1-\fermataMarkup "foo" }.
add fermata markup commands
Like the markup command \fermata and \fermataMarkup there are now:
\shortfermata, \longfermata, \verylongfermata
\shortfermataMarkup, \longfermataMarkup, \verylongfermataMarkup
contains also: add fermata markup commands to docs
Please review this at
Affected files (+76, -2 lines):
M Documentation/changes.tely
M Documentation/notation/expressive.itely
M ly/
M scm/define-markup-commands.scm
Index: Documentation/changes.tely
diff --git a/Documentation/changes.tely b/Documentation/changes.tely
--- a/Documentation/changes.tely
+++ b/Documentation/changes.tely
@@ -62,6 +62,21 @@ which scares away people.
@end ignore
+Markup commands for short, long, and very long fermatas have been added as
well as matching commands for multi-measure rests:
+\markup {
+ "Short and long fermata:"
+ \shortfermata
+ \override #`(direction . ,DOWN)
+ \longfermata
+ R1\verylongfermataMarkup
+@end lilypond
Chords may now be automatically inverted or voiced with dropped notes.
Index: Documentation/notation/expressive.itely
diff --git a/Documentation/notation/expressive.itely
--- a/Documentation/notation/expressive.itely
+++ b/Documentation/notation/expressive.itely
@@ -112,7 +112,10 @@ Methods to create new dynamic markings are also
@funindex \fermata
@funindex \longfermata
@funindex \verylongfermata
+@funindex \shortfermataMarkup
@funindex \fermataMarkup
+@funindex \longfermataMarkup
+@funindex \verylongfermataMarkup
@funindex \segno
@funindex \coda
@funindex \varcoda
@@ -169,8 +172,10 @@ Articulations are @code{Script} objects. Their
properties are
described more fully in @rinternals{Script}.
Articulations can be attached to rests as well as notes but they
-cannot be attached to multi-measure rests. A special predefined
-command, @code{\fermataMarkup}, is available for attaching a fermata
+cannot be attached to multi-measure rests. Special predefined
+commands, @code{\fermataMarkup}, @code{\shortfermataMarkup},
+@code{\longfermataMarkup}, and @code{\verylongfermataMarkup},
+are available for attaching fermatas of different lengths
to a multi-measure rest (and only a multi-measure rest). This
creates a @code{MultiMeasureRestText} object.
Index: ly/
diff --git a/ly/ b/ly/
--- a/ly/
+++ b/ly/
@@ -216,6 +216,24 @@ fermataMarkup =
'tweaks '((outside-staff-priority . 40)
(outside-staff-padding . 0)))
+shortfermataMarkup =
+#(make-music 'MultiMeasureTextEvent
+ 'text (make-shortfermata-markup)
+ 'tweaks '((outside-staff-priority . 40)
+ (outside-staff-padding . 0)))
+longfermataMarkup =
+#(make-music 'MultiMeasureTextEvent
+ 'text (make-longfermata-markup)
+ 'tweaks '((outside-staff-priority . 40)
+ (outside-staff-padding . 0)))
+verylongfermataMarkup =
+#(make-music 'MultiMeasureTextEvent
+ 'text (make-verylongfermata-markup)
+ 'tweaks '((outside-staff-priority . 40)
+ (outside-staff-padding . 0)))
%% font sizes
teeny = \set fontSize = #-3
Index: scm/define-markup-commands.scm
diff --git a/scm/define-markup-commands.scm b/scm/define-markup-commands.scm
--- a/scm/define-markup-commands.scm
+++ b/scm/define-markup-commands.scm
@@ -4178,6 +4178,42 @@ an inverted glyph. Note that within music, one
would usually use the
(markup #:musicglyph "scripts.dfermata")
(markup #:musicglyph "scripts.ufermata"))))
+(define-markup-command (shortfermata layout props) ()
+ #:category music
+ #:properties ((direction UP))
+ "Create a shortfermata glyph. When @var{direction} is @code{DOWN}, use
+an inverted glyph. Note that within music, one would usually use the
+@code{\\shortfermata} articulation instead of a markup.
+ (interpret-markup layout props
+ (if (eqv? direction DOWN)
+ (markup #:musicglyph "scripts.dshortfermata")
+ (markup #:musicglyph "scripts.ushortfermata"))))
+(define-markup-command (longfermata layout props) ()
+ #:category music
+ #:properties ((direction UP))
+ "Create a longfermata glyph. When @var{direction} is @code{DOWN}, use
+an inverted glyph. Note that within music, one would usually use the
+@code{\\longfermata} articulation instead of a markup.
+ (interpret-markup layout props
+ (if (eqv? direction DOWN)
+ (markup #:musicglyph "scripts.dlongfermata")
+ (markup #:musicglyph "scripts.ulongfermata"))))
+(define-markup-command (verylongfermata layout props) ()
+ #:category music
+ #:properties ((direction UP))
+ "Create a verylongfermata glyph. When @var{direction} is @code{DOWN},
+an inverted glyph. Note that within music, one would usually use the
+@code{\\verylongfermata} articulation instead of a markup.
+ (interpret-markup layout props
+ (if (eqv? direction DOWN)
+ (markup #:musicglyph "scripts.dverylongfermata")
+ (markup #:musicglyph "scripts.uverylongfermata"))))
;; translating.
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