On 2/14/2019 4:04 AM, David Kastrup wrote:
It may well be that the licensing conditions of any such SDK spell
end-of-line for MacOSX support since Apple is allergic to the GPL-v3.
It's conceivable that an OpenDarwin SDK without graphics support (after
all, we don't really need it, even if it means lack of supporting
platform fonts) could work instead.
So "suitable Apple SDK" does not just mean "can be made to work" but
also "is legally permitted to be made to work".
I have been trying to determine what licenses or permissions the current
GUB macOS build tools are using. References found so far:
In <http://lilypond.org/downloads/gub-sources/>
gcc-4.2-20070207.tar.bz2 (Presumably Apple's version of gcc?)
Using git grep also found references to:
Just matching up the versions for SDK, Darwin, XCode, and macOS takes
some effort. Near as I can tell, SDK10.4.u = darwin8 = macOS 10.4 Tiger
~= XCode 3.1 (correct me as needed.)
The only reference I could find find in lilypond-devel as to how those
things got in GUB and under what conditions was this thread:
Apparently this is a conversation including Han-Wen Nienhuys and someone
related to Apple - Matthias Neeracher, who mentions "an Apple-internal
investigation." (cc to Han-Wen here.) GUB's macOS installer was having
trouble running on 10.5 Leopard, suggestion made to upgrade version of
XCode, Han-Wen explains about GUB. Full quote:
we use GUB (see
<http://git.sv.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=lilypond.git;a=logh=gub>) to build
binaries, not Xcode. We link against
which is based on something that I got from ADC. Unfortunately, I can't
work out which version it is.
If you could provide me with a similar tarball (or URL) which does work
for 10.5, that would help. Unfortunately, the ADC requires login, so I
can't put the proper URL for the SDK package right inside GUB.
End quote. I assume ADC means Apple Developer Center, today
<https://developer.apple.com/> and the current SDK was downloaded from
there, extracted and repackaged, and uploaded to somewhere
GUB-accessible like its current location. Apple seems to do well at
keeping old versions of developer tools available, back to Xcode Tools
v1.0 from 2003. This has me wondering about a path forward for a newer SDK:
* Find what SDK is needed for 64-bit macOS builds.
+ Assuming Darwin 9, 10.5 SDK, macOS 10.5 Leopard.
* Try finding what terms the current SDK has or did have
* Find terms of required SDK
* If terms are not substantially different, do again what was done before.
Karlin High
Missouri, USA
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