On Feb 3, 2019, at 05:36, Valentin Villenave <v.villen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> BTW, there’s no proper notion of inversions as such in jazz music
> (AFAICT); so the purpose of an \invertChords function here is left to
> our appreciation, with the minimal requirement being that the lowest
> note of the chord changes each time -- but traditionally, I think the
> lowest note of the previous inversion *should* become the highest note
> of the next inversion (and reciprocally when proceeding in reverse).
> If that means moving said note by two octaves instead of just one,
> then so be it (IMO).

As a LilyPond function, are there disadvantages to calling this “rotation” 
rather than “inversion”?

While it is true that this algorithm yields chords that people call inversions, 
it does not yield every chord that might be so called.  You could have an index 
entry for “inversion” which refers to the rotation command, and you will avoid 
questions from users assuming that an inversion command ought to do more it 


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