Torsten and everyone greetings, RE: the key signatures for Turkish makam, I've made definitions for about 91 different makams like Rast, Hicaz, Segah, etc. These definitions are in the file, attached. We need each makam's key signature to: 1. look as they do in standard print (there are good reasons why some accidentals are included while others not) 2. be fully transposable because, why not, that's why we're here :)
For 89 of the 91 key signatures defined, there are no problems which is nice. But so far for only these makams: bestenigar revnaknuma I have issues in that the tonic of these makams is a microtone. In standard Turkish notation, "fb" which is "f" 4k sharp We need \key fb \bestenigar However, we don't want the "fb" accidental printed in the key signature. Bestenigar needs a key signature that looks like saba which have a tonic of "a" in Turkish notation. We DO want "fb" accidental printed in the score. And we need it to be able to transpose... if we want \key bfc \bestenigar We don't want bfc in the key signature BUT yikes, we do need a bfk in the key signature because Attached is a shortish example showing that Rast and Segah transposition works great and shows bestenigar and revnaknuma with the fb in the key signature with two examples of what Bestenigar and Revnaknuma should look like. Would it be simple enough to tell lilypond: "if the key signature is bestenigar or revnaknuma, don't print the tonic's accidentals in the key signature. DO print them in the score. The example needs and to work. Thank you ahead and I hope I've presented everything clear enough. Adam
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% Utilities to re-tune regular tunings. % Use these functions to choose a different regular % tuning, with fifths taken from some equal temperament, % and accidentals scaled accordingly. % Only equal temperaments are supported because Lilypond uses % rational numbers to denote pitch alterations. % If you don't want an equal temperament you can probably % find one anyway that's close enough to what you want. % to use, add % % tuning = #31 % \include "" % % somewhere near the top of the file. (After any language setting.) % Resets Lilypond's "default scale" containing the pitch of each % unaltered note (the C major scale). #(define (retune-nominals ET) (ly:set-default-scale (ly:make-scale (list->vector (map (lambda (fifths octaves) (* 6 (+ (* fifths (best-fifth ET)) octaves))) '(0 2 4 -1 1 3 5) '(0 -1 -2 1 0 -1 -2)))))) % Finds the best size of fifth in the equal temperement with % the given number of fifths to the octave. % Note: the effective equal temperament may end up larger. % For example, ask for 12 and "quartertones" will give you 24. % If ET is a ratio, assume it describes the fifth, and return it. #(define (best-fifth ET) (if (integer? ET) (/ (inexact->exact (round (* ET 0.5849625007))) ET) ET)) % Takes the association of pitch names and returns a % new copy where each alteration has the correct value % relative to fifths in the given equal temperament. #(define (retuned-pitchnames pitchnames ET) (map (lambda (pitchname) (let ((pitch (cdr pitchname))) (cons (car pitchname) (ly:make-pitch (ly:pitch-octave pitch) (ly:pitch-notename pitch) (scale-alteration (ly:pitch-alteration pitch) ET))))) pitchnames)) % Takes a list mapping alterations to glyphs % and re-tunes the alterations according to the size of fifth % in the given equal temperament. #(define (retune-glyphs glyphs ET) (map (lambda (glyph) (cons (scale-alteration (car glyph) ET) (cdr glyph))) glyphs)) % Converts an alteration from the initial alteration size % (that would give 12-equal) to the given equal temperament. #(define (scale-alteration alteration ET) (* 12 alteration (- (* 7 (best-fifth ET)) 4))) % Scale an explicit scale #(define (scale-scale keysig ET) (map (lambda (note) (cons (car note) (scale-alteration (cdr note) ET))) keysig)) % Retune the standard scales (major/ionian has no alterations) minor = #(scale-scale minor tuning) locrian = #(scale-scale locrian tuning) aeolian = #(scale-scale aeolian tuning) mixolydian = #(scale-scale mixolydian tuning) lydian = #(scale-scale lydian tuning) phrygian = #(scale-scale phrygian tuning) dorian = #(scale-scale dorian tuning) % Set the innards newglyphs = #(begin (retune-nominals tuning) (ly:parser-set-note-names (retuned-pitchnames pitchnames tuning)) (retune-glyphs standard-alteration-glyph-name-alist tuning)) % Apply the new glyphs. \layout { \context { \Score \override Accidental #'glyph-name-alist = \newglyphs \override KeySignature #'glyph-name-alist = \newglyphs \override AccidentalCautionary #'glyph-name-alist = \newglyphs \override TrillPitchAccidental #'glyph-name-alist = \newglyphs \override AmbitusAccidental #'glyph-name-alist = \newglyphs } } % Null function to work with scordablature retune = #(define-music-function (ET midc m) (rational? integer? ly:music?) m)
%\version "2.19.82" \version "2.18.2" #(ly:set-option 'relative-includes #t) \include "definitions.ily" %{ % 53-ET alterations in terms of 12-ET whole tones. %} #(define-public KOMA 1/10) #(define-public BAKIYE 4/10) #(define-public KUCUK 5/10) #(define-public BUYUKMUCENNEB 8/10) %%% eksikMirroredSlashedFlat for 2.5k and 3k #(define-public EKSIK-IKI 5/20) #(define-public EKSIK-UC 3/10) %{ Define pitch names %} makamPitchNames = #`( (cfbm . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 0 (- BUYUKMUCENNEB))) (cfk . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 0 (- KUCUK))) (cfb . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 0 (- BAKIYE))) (cfu . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 0 (- EKSIK-UC))) (cfi . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 0 (- EKSIK-IKI))) (cfc . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 0 (- KOMA))) (c . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 0 NATURAL)) (cc . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 0 KOMA)) (cb . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 0 BAKIYE)) (ck . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 0 KUCUK)) (cbm . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 0 BUYUKMUCENNEB)) (dfbm . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 1 (- BUYUKMUCENNEB))) (dfk . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 1 (- KUCUK))) (dfb . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 1 (- BAKIYE))) (dfu . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 1 (- EKSIK-UC))) (dfi . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 1 (- EKSIK-IKI))) (dfc . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 1 (- KOMA))) (d . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 1 NATURAL)) (dc . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 1 KOMA)) (db . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 1 BAKIYE)) (dk . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 1 KUCUK)) (dbm . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 1 BUYUKMUCENNEB)) (efbm . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 2 (- BUYUKMUCENNEB))) (efk . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 2 (- KUCUK))) (efb . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 2 (- BAKIYE))) (efu . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 2 (- EKSIK-UC))) (efi . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 2 (- EKSIK-IKI))) (efc . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 2 (- KOMA))) (e . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 2 NATURAL)) (ec . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 2 KOMA)) (eb . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 2 BAKIYE)) (ek . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 2 KUCUK)) (ebm . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 2 BUYUKMUCENNEB)) (ffbm . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 3 (- BUYUKMUCENNEB))) (ffk . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 3 (- KUCUK))) (ffb . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 3 (- BAKIYE))) (ffu . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 3 (- EKSIK-UC))) (ffi . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 3 (- EKSIK-IKI))) (ffc . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 3 (- KOMA))) (f . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 3 NATURAL)) (fc . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 3 KOMA)) (fb . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 3 BAKIYE)) (fk . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 3 KUCUK)) (fbm . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 3 BUYUKMUCENNEB)) (gfbm . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 4 (- BUYUKMUCENNEB))) (gfk . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 4 (- KUCUK))) (gfb . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 4 (- BAKIYE))) (gfu . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 4 (- EKSIK-UC))) (gfi . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 4 (- EKSIK-IKI))) (gfc . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 4 (- KOMA))) (g . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 4 NATURAL)) (gc . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 4 KOMA)) (gb . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 4 BAKIYE)) (gk . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 4 KUCUK)) (gbm . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 4 BUYUKMUCENNEB)) (afbm . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 5 (- BUYUKMUCENNEB))) (afk . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 5 (- KUCUK))) (afb . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 5 (- BAKIYE))) (afu . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 5 (- EKSIK-UC))) (afi . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 5 (- EKSIK-IKI))) (afc . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 5 (- KOMA))) (a . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 5 NATURAL)) (ac . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 5 KOMA)) (ab . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 5 BAKIYE)) (ak . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 5 KUCUK)) (abm . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 5 BUYUKMUCENNEB)) (bfbm . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 6 (- BUYUKMUCENNEB))) (bfk . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 6 (- KUCUK))) (bfb . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 6 (- BAKIYE))) (bfu . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 6 (- EKSIK-UC))) (bfi . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 6 (- EKSIK-IKI))) (bfc . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 6 (- KOMA))) (b . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 6 NATURAL)) (bc . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 6 KOMA)) (bb . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 6 BAKIYE)) (bk . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 6 KUCUK)) (bbm . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 6 BUYUKMUCENNEB)) ) %% Set pitch names. pitchnames = \makamPitchNames #(ly:parser-set-note-names makamPitchNames) tuning = #53 \include "" #(define eksikMirroredSlashedFlat (if (defined? 'eksikMirroredSlashedFlat) eksikMirroredSlashedFlat #f)) %%% For Turkish Makam, need 6/53, 18/53, 24/53, 30/53, 48/53 makamGlyphs = #`( (-72/53 . "") (-66/53 . "") (-60/53 . "") (-54/53 . "accidentals.flatflat") (-48/53 . "accidentals.flat.slashslash") (-42/53 . "") (-36/53 . "") (-30/53 . "accidentals.flat") (-24/53 . "accidentals.flat.slash") (-18/53 . ,(if eksikMirroredSlashedFlat "accidentals.mirroredflat.backslash" "accidentals.flat.slash")) (-15/53 . ,(if eksikMirroredSlashedFlat "accidentals.mirroredflat.backslash" "accidentals.mirroredflat")) (-12/53 . "") (-6/53 . "accidentals.mirroredflat") (0 . "accidentals.natural") (6/53 . "") (12/53 . "") (18/53 . "") (24/53 . "") (30/53 . "") (36/53 . "") (42/53 . "") (48/53 . "") (54/53 . "accidentals.doublesharp") (60/53 . "") (66/53 . "") (72/53 . "") ) #(define smufl-alteration-glyph-name-alist '( (-72/53 . "accidentalDoubleFlatTwoArrowsDown") (-66/53 . "accidentalDoubleFlatOneArrowDown") (-60/53 . "accidentalDoubleFlat") (-54/53 . "accidentalDoubleFlatOneArrowUp") (-48/53 . "accidentalDoubleFlatTwoArrowsUp") (-42/53 . "accidentalFlatTwoArrowsDown") (-36/53 . "accidentalFlatOneArrowDown") (-30/53 . "accidentalFlat") (-24/53 . "accidentalFlatOneArrowUp") (-18/53 . "accidentalFlatTwoArrowsUp") (-12/53 . "accidentalNaturalTwoArrowsDown") (-6/53 . "accidentalNaturalOneArrowDown") (0 . "accidentalNatural") (6/53 . "accidentalNaturalOneArrowUp") (12/53 . "accidentalNaturalTwoArrowsUp") (18/53 . "accidentalSharpTwoArrowsDown") (24/53 . "accidentalSharpOneArrowDown") (30/53 . "accidentalSharp") (36/53 . "accidentalSharpOneArrowUp") (42/53 . "accidentalSharpTwoArrowsUp") (48/53 . "accidentalDoubleSharpTwoArrowsDown") (54/53 . "accidentalDoubleSharpOneArrowDown") (60/53 . "accidentalDoubleSharp") (66/53 . "accidentalDoubleSharpOneArrowUp") (72/53 . "accidentalDoubleSharpTwoArrowsUp"))) % For LilyPond 2.21: NewEqualFiftythreeGlyphs = #`( (-72/53 . "accidentals.flatflat.2down") (-66/53 . "accidentals.flatflat.1down") (-60/53 . "accidentals.flatflat") (-54/53 . "accidentals.flatflat.1up") (-48/53 . "accidentals.flatflat.2up") (-42/53 . "accidentals.flat.2down") (-36/53 . "accidentals.flat.1down") (-30/53 . "accidentals.flat") (-24/53 . "accidentals.flat.1up") (-18/53 . "accidentals.flat.2up") (-12/53 . "accidentals.natural.2down") (-6/53 . "accidentals.natural.1down") (0 . "accidentals.natural") (6/53 . "accidentals.natural.1up") (12/53 . "accidentals.natural.2up") (18/53 . "") (24/53 . "") (30/53 . "") (36/53 . "") (42/53 . "") (48/53 . "accidentals.doublesharp.2down") (54/53 . "accidentals.doublesharp.1down") (60/53 . "accidentals.doublesharp") (66/53 . "accidentals.doublesharp.1up") (72/53 . "accidentals.doublesharp.2up") ) %% set makam key signatures %%% cargah and transpositions cargah = #'((0 . 0)(1 . 0)(2 . 0)(3 . 0)(4 . 0)(5 . 0)(6 . 0)) acemasiran=\cargah mahur=\cargah suzidilara=\cargah zavil=\cargah tarzicedid=\cargah %%% rast and similar rast = #'((0 . 0)(1 . 0)(2 . -6/53)(3 . 0)(4 . 0)(5 . 0)(6 . -6/53)) pencgah=\rast pesendide=\rast rehavi=\rast sazkar=\rast sevkedil=\rast suznak = #'((0 . 0)(1 . 0)(2 . -6/53)(3 . 0)(4 . 0)(5 . -24/53)(6 . -6/53)) serefnuma=\suznak %%% ussak and similar ussak = #'((0 . 0)(1 . -6/53)(2 . -30/53)(3 . 0)(4 . 0)(5 . -30/53)(6 . -30/53)) acem=\ussak beyati=\ussak hisar=\ussak isfahan=\ussak isfahanek=\ussak yenisipihr=\ussak %%% buselik and transpositions and similar buselik = #'((0 . 0)(1 . 0)(2 . -30/53)(3 . 0)(4 . 0)(5 . -30/53)(6 . -30/53)) ferahfeza=\buselik hisarbuselik=\buselik nihavend=\buselik ruhnuvaz=\buselik sehnazbuselik=\buselik zirefkend=\buselik %%% neva and similar neva = #'((0 . 0)(1 . -6/53)(2 . -30/53)(3 . 0)(4 . 0)(5 . -6/53)(6 . -30/53)) gerdaniye=\neva gulizar=\neva huseyni=\neva muhayyer=\neva sultaniirak=\neva tahir=\neva tahirbuselik=\neva %%% kurdi and similar and transpositions kurdi = #'((0 . 0)(1 . -30/53)(2 . -30/53)(3 . 0)(4 . 0)(5 . -30/53)(6 . -30/53)) acemkurdi=\kurdi askevza=\kurdi muhayyerkurdi=\kurdi kurdilihicazkar=\kurdi ferahnuma=\kurdi %%% hicaz and similar hicaz = #'((0 . 0)(1 . -24/53)(2 . -6/53)(3 . 0)(4 . 0)(5 . -6/53)(6 . -30/53)) hicazhumayun = #'((0 . 0)(1 . -24/53)(2 . -6/53)(3 . 0)(4 . 0)(5 . -30/53)(6 . -30/53)) hicazzirgule = #'((0 . 0)(1 . -24/53)(2 . -6/53)(3 . 0)(4 . 0)(5 . -24/53)(6 . -6/53)) hicazkar=\hicazzirgule sedaraban=\hicazzirgule hicazuzzal=\hicaz sehnaz=\hicazhumayun %%% cc is printed because of transposition of zirgule. keep? suzidil=\hicazzirgule %%% karcigar and similar karcigar = #'((0 . 0)(1 . -6/53)(2 . -30/53)(3 . 0)(4 . -24/53)(5 . -6/53)(6 . -30/53)) beyatiaraban=\karcigar %%% saba and similar saba = #'((0 . 0)(1 . -6/53)(2 . -30/53)(3 . -24/53)(4 . 0)(5 . -30/53)(6 . -30/53)) dugah=\saba muhayyersunbule=\saba sabazemzeme=\saba eskisipihr=\saba kucek=\saba %%% huseyniasiran and similar huseyniasiran = #'((0 . 0)(1 . -6/53)(2 . -30/53)(3 . 0)(4 . -6/53)(5 . -30/53)(6 . -30/53)) nuhuft=\huseyniasiran %%% yegah and similar yegah = #'((0 . 0)(1 . 0)(2 . -6/53)(3 . 0)(4 . 0)(5 . -6/53)(6 . -30/53)) dilkeside=\yegah %%% segah and similar segah = #'((0 . 0)(1 . -24/53)(2 . -24/53)(3 . 0)(4 . 0)(5 . -24/53)(6 . -24/53)) mustear=\segah vechiarazbar=\segah %%% huzzam uses -18/53 at 3 huzzam = #'((0 . 0)(1 . -24/53)(2 . -24/53)(3 . -18/53)(4 . 0)(5 . -24/53)(6 . -24/53)) %%% arazbar and similar arazbar = #'((0 . 0)(1 . -6/53)(2 . -30/53)(3 . 0)(4 . -6/53)(5 . -30/53)(6 . -30/53)) %%% sultaniyegah and similar sultaniyegah = #'((0 . 0)(1 . 0)(2 . -30/53)(3 . 0)(4 . 0)(5 . -30/53)(6 . -6/53)) %%% buselikasiran and similar buselikasiran = #'((0 . 0)(1 . -6/53)(2 . -30/53)(3 . 0)(4 . 0)(5 . -30/53)(6 . -30/53)) canfeza = #'((0 . 0)(1 . -30/53)(2 . -30/53)(3 . 0)(4 . -6/53)(5 . -30/53)(6 . -54/53)) %%% irak and similar irak = #'((0 . 0)(1 . -24/53)(2 . -24/53)(3 . 0)(4 . -24/53)(5 . -24/53)(6 . -24/53)) evcara = #'((0 . 0)(1 . -24/53)(2 . 0)(3 . 0)(4 . 0)(5 . -24/53)(6 . 0)) %evcara=\hicazzirgule evic = #'((0 . 0)(1 . -24/53)(2 . -24/53)(3 . 0)(4 . -24/53)(5 . -24/53)(6 . -24/53)) ferahnak = #'((0 . 0)(1 . -24/53)(2 . -24/53)(3 . 6/53)(4 . 0)(5 . -24/53)(6 . -24/53)) dilkeshaveran=\evic %%% rahatulervah uses -18/53 at 3 rahatulervah = #'((0 . 0)(1 . -24/53)(2 . -24/53)(3 . -18/53)(4 . 0)(5 . -24/53)(6 . -24/53)) %%% nisabur and similar nisabur = #'((0 . 0)(1 . -6/53)(2 . -30/53)(3 . 0)(4 . -30/53)(5 . -30/53)(6 . -30/53)) %%% cargaheski and similar cargaheski = #'((0 . 0)(1 . -24/53)(2 . 0)(4 . 0)(5 . 0)(6 . -6/53)) %%% guldeste and similar guldeste = #'((0 . 0)(1 . 0)(2 . 0)(3 . 0)(4 . 24/53)(5 . 0)(6 . 0)) %%% buzurk and similar buzurk = #'((0 . 0)(1 . 0)(2 . 0)(3 . 0)(4 . 0)(5 . 0)(6 . -6/53)) %%% nisaburek and similar nisaburek = #'((0 . 0)(1 . 0)(2 . -6/53)(3 . 0)(4 . 0)(5 . 0)(6 . -30/53)) %%% neveser and similar neveser = #'((0 . 0)(1 . 0)(2 . -24/53)(3 . 24/53)(4 . 0)(5 . -24/53)(6 . -6/53)) %%% nikriz and similar nikriz = #'((0 . 0)(1 . 0)(2 . -24/53)(3 . 24/53)(4 . 0)(5 . 0)(6 . -30/53)) %%% sultanisegah and similar sultanisegah = #'((0 . 0)(1 . -6/53)(2 . -6/53)(3 . 0)(4 . 0)(5 . -6/53)(6 . -30/53)) %%% sevkefza and similar sevkefza = #'((0 . 0)(1 . 0)(2 . 0)(3 . 0)(4 . 0)(5 . -24/53)(6 . 0)) %%%flip d and a order rengidil = #'((0 . 0)(1 . 0)(2 . -24/53)(3 . 24/53)(4 . 0)(5 . -24/53)(6 . 0)) sevkitarab = #'((0 . 0)(1 . 0)(2 . 0)(3 . 24/53)(4 . 0)(5 . -24/53)(6 . 0)) sevkaver = #'((0 . 0)(1 . 0)(2 . 0)(3 . 24/53)(4 . 0)(5 . 0)(6 . -6/53)) %%% test big time sivenuma = #'((0 . 0)(1 . 0)(2 . -30/53)(3 . 0)(4 . 0)(5 . -6/53)(6 . -30/53)(7 . -24/53)) %%%% figure out how to not print fb in key sig %%% bestenigar uses -48/53 at 5 bestenigar = #'((7 . 0)(0 . 0)(1 . -24/53)(2 . -24/53)(3 . 0)(4 . -24/53)(5 . -48/53)(6 . -24/53)) revnaknuma = #'((0 . 0)(1 . -24/53)(2 . 0)(3 . 0)(4 . 0)(5 . -24/53)(6 . -24/53)) \layout { \context { \Staff % \bravuraOn } \context { \Score %%% key alteration order keyAlterationOrder = #`( (6 . ,-6/53) (6 . ,-24/53) (6 . ,-30/53) (6 . ,-48/53) (6 . ,-54/53) (2 . ,-6/53) (2 . ,-24/53) (2 . ,-30/53) (2 . ,-48/53) (2 . ,-54/53) (5 . ,-6/53) (5 . ,-24/53) (5 . ,-30/53) (5 . ,-48/53) (5 . ,-54/53) (1 . ,-6/53) (1 . ,-24/53) (1 . ,-30/53) (1 . ,-48/53) (1 . ,-54/53) (4 . ,-6/53) (4 . ,-24/53) (4 . ,-30/53) (4 . ,-48/53) (4 . ,-54/53) (0 . ,-6/53) (0 . ,-24/53) (0 . ,-30/53) (0 . ,-48/53) (0 . ,-54/53) (3 . ,-6/53) (3 . ,-24/53) (3 . ,-30/53) (3 . ,-48/53) (3 . ,-54/53) (3 . ,6/53) (3 . ,18/53) (3 . ,24/53) (3 . ,30/53) (3 . ,48/53) (3 . ,54/53) (0 . ,6/53) (0 . ,18/53) (0 . ,24/53) (0 . ,30/53) (0 . ,48/53) (0 . ,54/53) (4 . ,6/53) (4 . ,18/53) (4 . ,24/53) (4 . ,30/53) (4 . ,48/53) (4 . ,54/53) (1 . ,6/53) (1 . ,18/53) (1 . ,24/53) (1 . ,30/53) (1 . ,48/53) (1 . ,54/53) (5 . ,6/53) (5 . ,18/53) (5 . ,24/53) (5 . ,30/53) (5 . ,48/53) (5 . ,54/53) (2 . ,6/53) (2 . ,18/53) (2 . ,24/53) (2 . ,30/53) (2 . ,48/53) (2 . ,54/53) (6 . ,6/53) (6 . ,18/53) (6 . ,24/53) (6 . ,30/53) (6 . ,48/53) (6 . ,54/53) ) \override KeySignature #'padding-pairs = #'( (("accidentals.natural" . "accidentals.natural") . 0.2) (("accidentals.flat" . "accidentals.flat") . 0.1) (("accidentals.flat" . "accidentals.flat.slash") . 0.0) (("accidentals.flat" . "accidentals.mirroredflat") . 0.2) (("accidentals.flat" . "accidentals.flat.slashslash") . 0.0) (("accidentals.flat.slash" . "accidentals.flat") . 0.0) (("accidentals.flat.slash" . "accidentals.flat.slash") . -0.1) (("accidentals.flat.slash" . "accidentals.mirroredflat") . 0.0) (("accidentals.flat.slash" . "accidentals.flat.slashslash") . 0.0) (("accidentals.mirroredflat" . "accidentals.flat") . 0.0) (("accidentals.mirroredflat" . "accidentals.flat.slash") . 0.4) (("accidentals.mirroredflat" . "accidentals.mirroredflat") . 0.3) (("accidentals.mirroredflat" . "accidentals.flat.slashslash") . 0.0) (("accidentals.flat.slashslash" . "accidentals.flat") . 0.0) (("accidentals.flat.slashslash" . "accidentals.flat.slash") . 0.3) (("accidentals.flat.slashslash" . "accidentals.mirroredflat") . 0.3) (("accidentals.flat.slashslash" . "accidentals.flat.slashslash") . -0.2) (("" . "") . 0.1) (("" . "") . 0.0) (("" . "") . 0.0) (("" . "accidentals.slashslashslash.stemstem") . 0.0) (("" . "") . 0.2) (("" . "") . 0.2) (("" . "") . 0.0) (("" . "accidentals.slashslashslash.stemstem") . 0.0) (("" . "") . 0.2) (("" . "") . 0.2) (("" . "") . 0.0) (("" . "accidentals.slashslashslash.stemstem") . 0.0) (("" . "") . 0.1) (("" . "") . 0.0) (("" . "") . 0.0) (("" . "accidentals.slashslashslash.stemstem") . 0.0) (("accidentals.flat" . "") . 0.3) (("accidentals.flat" . "") . 0.0) (("accidentals.flat" . "") . 0.0) (("accidentals.flat" . "accidentals.slashslashslash.stemstem") . 0.0) (("accidentals.flat.slash" . "") . 0.3) (("accidentals.flat.slash" . "") . 0.1) (("accidentals.flat.slash" . "") . 0.3) (("accidentals.flat.slash" . "accidentals.slashslashslash.stemstem") . 0.0) (("accidentals.mirroredflat" . "") . 0.3) (("accidentals.mirroredflat" . "") . 0.0) (("accidentals.mirroredflat" . "") . 0.0) (("accidentals.mirroredflat" . "accidentals.slashslashslash.stemstem") . 0.0) (("accidentals.flat.slashslash" . "") . 0.0) (("accidentals.flat.slashslash" . "") . 0.0) (("accidentals.flat.slashslash" . "") . 0.0) (("accidentals.flat.slashslash" . "accidentals.slashslashslash.stemstem") . 0.0) (("" . "accidentals.flat") . 0.0) (("" . "accidentals.flat.slash") . 0.0) (("" . "accidentals.mirroredflat") . 0.0) (("" . "accidentals.flat.slashslash") . 0.0) (("" . "accidentals.flat") . 0.0) (("" . "accidentals.flat.slash") . 0.0) (("" . "accidentals.mirroredflat") . 0.0) (("" . "accidentals.flat.slashslash") . 0.0) (("" . "accidentals.flat") . 0.0) (("" . "accidentals.flat.slash") . 0.0) (("" . "accidentals.mirroredflat") . 0.0) (("" . "accidentals.flat.slashslash") . 0.0) (("" . "accidentals.flat") . 0.0) (("" . "accidentals.flat.slash") . 0.0) (("" . "accidentals.mirroredflat") . 0.0) (("" . "accidentals.flat.slashslash") . 0.0) ) \override KeySignature #'glyph-name-alist = \makamGlyphs \override Accidental #'glyph-name-alist = \makamGlyphs \override AccidentalCautionary #'glyph-name-alist = \makamGlyphs \override TrillPitchAccidental #'glyph-name-alist = \makamGlyphs \override AmbitusAccidental #'glyph-name-alist = \makamGlyphs } }
\version "2.18.2" \include "" %%%%% rast needs to be transposable to any pitch level %%%%% if to any accidental, RASTmusic = \relative c' { \key g \rast g'8 a bfc c d e fb e d c bfc a g2 } { \mark \markup {"rast-TR" } \RASTmusic } { \mark \markup {"rast-from bfc=good" } \transpose g bfc \RASTmusic } { \mark \markup {"rast-from fb=good" } \transpose g fb \RASTmusic } %%%%% SEGAHmusic = \relative c' { \key bfc \segah bfc'8 c d efc f g f efc d c bfc ab bfc2 } { \mark \markup {"segah-TR from bfc=good" } \SEGAHmusic } { \mark \markup {"segah-TR from fb=good" } \transpose bfc fb \SEGAHmusic } %%%%% BESTENIGARmusic = \relative c' { \key fb \bestenigar c'8 dfb e f g f e dfb c bfc a g fb2 } { \mark \markup {"bestenigar-TR from fb=bad" } \BESTENIGARmusic } %%%%% SABABESTENIGARmusic = \relative c' { \key a \saba c'8 dfb e f g f e dfb c bfc a g fb2 } { \mark \markup {"bestenigar should look like this" } \SABABESTENIGARmusic } %%%%% REVNAKNUMAmusic = \relative c' { \key fb \revnaknuma bfc'8 ab bfc cb d cb bfc a a g g fb fb2 } { \mark \markup {"revnaknuma from fb=bad" } \REVNAKNUMAmusic } %%%%% fakerevnaknuma = #'((0 . 0)(1 . 0)(2 . -24/53)(3 . 6/53)(4 . -24/53)(5 . -24/53)(6 . 0)) FAKEREVNAKNUMAmusic = \relative c' { \key bfc \fakerevnaknuma bfc'8 ab bfc cb d cb bfc a a g g fb fb2 } { \mark \markup {"revnaknuma needs this" } \FAKEREVNAKNUMAmusic }
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