
On 01/09/18 16:24, Urs Liska wrote:

Am 1. September 2018 17:09:23 MESZ schrieb Menu Jacques <imj-...@bluewin.ch>:
Hello Urs,

My work (MSR, LPSR and xml2ly) is contributed to Grame’s library as the
‘lilypond’ branch of their github repository.

The aim is to merge them with the ‘dev’ branch soon, in which case it
will become part of the library itself.

Ah, that clarifies things.

My OP’s aim is to see how they can be built automatically and made
available together with LilyPond on the three main OSes, should they be
felt as useful for a number of Lily users.
I'm sure that can be made possible. Maybe the best bet would be to create a 
small wrapper that uses the library and can be deployed with LilyPond.

Please also don't forget that it (whatever 'it' is, and assuming it is accepted) will need to work when run against our regression tests (i.e. make test-baseline/check).



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