Hello Dan,

I’ve been a heavy user of LilyDev 4 on my my Mac for years now. No doubt for me 
that the trouble-free VMWare Fusion is well worth its price for that.


> Le 9 août 2018 à 06:52, Dan Eble <d...@faithful.be> a écrit :
> On Jul 26, 2018, at 22:15, Dan Eble <d...@faithful.be> wrote:
>> On Jul 26, 2018, at 00:47, Federico Bruni <f...@inventati.org> wrote:
>>> - Finally I'd like to figure out a way of running the containers also in a 
>>> Windows or Mac host machine. See this issue:
>>> https://github.com/systemd/mkosi/issues/251
>> Would xhyve further that goal?  (Virtualization software is not my forte.)
>> https://github.com/mist64/xhyve <https://github.com/mist64/xhyve>
> In answer to my own question: no, xhyve is just another way to run a VM on 
> macOS.
> I looked around for a way to run your containers as they are, but I didn’t 
> find anything.  I tried to import lilydev-debian-0.2 into Docker, but I gave 
> up when I found no /bin/bash to run in the container.
> I believe I could have imported and used your full VM image, but I wasn’t 
> very interested because it includes stuff I don’t really need (like a GUI).  
> Instead, after a small amount of work, and relying heavily on the list of 
> packages in your mkosi.debian, I succeeded in creating a Docker image based 
> on Ubuntu 16.04 and then using that to build lilypond, the regression tests, 
> and the English language docs.
> So far, I see some advantages of Docker over VirtualBox.  For one thing, the 
> clock appears to stay in sync after the host sleeps and wakes.  I intend to 
> use Docker for a while to see what happens.  If the kernel panics only half 
> as often as under VirtualBox, I’ll be a happy man.
> — 
> Dan
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