Hi Peter
I'll reply quickly now, but I'll come back in the next days as soon as
I have some time to do some testing.
Il giorno sab 5 mag 2018 alle 22:24, Peter Teeson
<"peter.teeson"@icloud.com> ha scritto:
My gear: Mac Pro Desktop, Yosemite 10.10.5, VBox 5.2.10 + Guest
Additions and LilyDev VM setup and runnable.
I’m familiar with VBox and VM’s. Also marginally familiar with
Linux (Debian via Raspbian ->Raspberry Pi 2B)
I am working with the Contributor’s Guide for LilyPond 2.19.81
My questions:
(1) The LilyDev vdi is on a partition on one of my HD’s. The HD has
The LilyDev.box is in my ~/VirtualBox VMs/LilyDev folder on
the MacOS boot drive which has EFI
EFI is enabled in the VM
When booting the VM console shows a message saying boot failed
Plus a bunch of other console messages which fly by too fast
for me to capture.
( I don’t know where to look for the console log file)
But booting continues OK to the point of being able to login
Should I care about the console messages?
Probably you can just ignore them.
See if this article can help you to locate the log file:
I usually test these images on libvirt/GNOME Boxes. I think I got some
messages on boot but never cared to investigate...
(2) Hardware Clock in UTC time is checked in VM System Settings (as
is EFI)
On my host machine I use a 24 hour clock display. My local time
is UTC – 4 (DST).
So for example Toronto time is presently 16:07 and UTC is 20:07.
But LilyDev shows 22:07 on the login screen.
Sorry but I do not how to correct this. Should I care?
Don't you have a date&time configuration in the system settings?
I'll have a look and see if I can improve this. The thing is that these
new LilyDev machines (compared to the old ones) come ready to be used,
without the hassle of a step-by-step installation (which on the other
hand would allow to configure the system as you like). It's a trade off.
(3) I ran the Terminal and did ./setup.sh. It appears to have
downloaded the needed got repo’s.
Looking at that script it seems I do not need to exec
lily-git.tcl? (actually lilypond-git I think)
I must say I've never used lily-git so I never took it into account
when I created LilyDev images.
I must have a look at it.
Anyway, you can ignore lily-git and use regular git to start
(4) The main desktop screen shows a popup about 770 updates for
What does this mean and what am I rto doubt it?
Wow, it's a lot! Fedora gets frequent updates even for current
releases... which make me think I should rather use Debian stable for
the virtual machine. There are pro and con in using either Debian or
Fedora at the moment.
You can upgrade or ignore it. It's up to you.
In general upgrading is recommended.
Thanks for your feedback
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