David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:

> Masamichi Hosoda <truer...@trueroad.jp> writes:
>>>> Ubuntu 14 for both.  I would expect Ubuntu 16 to work but have not tried 
>>>> it.
>>> Not sure about that.  We had several incompatibilities in the LilyPond
>>> code base since then (2.18.2 does not compile on current GCC versions)
>>> and GCC is written in C++ these days.  Though the bootstrap process
>>> might actually go through C-written GCC to get to its C++ compiler: not
>>> sure about that.
>> I tried to use GUB in Ubuntu 16.04 LTE 64 bit.
>> But It failed with some errors.
>> So I use GUB in Ubuntu 14.04 LTE 64 bit.
>> I have not tried Ubuntu 18.04 LTE yet.
> Seems like we don't have a lot of options other than porting the
> bootstrap forward and I am not sure that all operating systems will stay
> with us.  I'd actually be more comfortable with regard to licensing
> clarity to move the MacOSX bootstrap

The crosscompilation actually.

> to OpenDarwin, but I seem to remember that OpenDarwin more or less is
> dead due to Apple not keeping their promises.

David Kastrup

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