Am 06.07.2018 um 10:29 schrieb David Kastrup:

At any rate, if we need to update our bootstrap setup in order to be
able to continue using it on newer platforms, this is likely something
that is more apparent to new users of GUB since old users will be
reusing their already bootstrapped stuff and thus won't notice easily
when it would stop being compilable.

It may well be that GUB needs either more patches on top or newer base
versions to do its job.  It's one of the most obscure parts of getting
out LilyPond to the world.

An updated GUB status:

   1: Graham informed me that he does not have the energy to do open-source 
work outside of his job these days.
   2: The version of make used in GUB needs a fix to be compatible with glibc 
   3: The versions of glibc and glibc-core used in GUB need a fix to be 
compatible with make 4.x.y. (Frédéric Bron already mentioned that problem in 
septemter 2016 on lilypond-devel)
   4: The download link of libpng12 is broken.
   5: The download link of jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz is broken.
   6: ghostscript really should be updated.
   7: GUB fails to correctly build the English documentation of the latest 
stable prerelease, up to now nobody understands why.

Even with fixes for the problems 2-5 mentioned above bootstrapping or using GUB 
fails to work on openSuSE Tumbleweed, openSuSE 11.3 and on the fedora-27 based 
LilyDev because of problems not mentioned above.

It would be nice to have a list of linux distributions that were/are compatible 
to GUB ... usually it's much easier to debug a broken system if you have a 
working starting point.


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