Knut Petersen <> writes:

> Am 24.04.2018 um 21:16 schrieb David Kastrup:
>>> \version "2.21.0"
>>> \score{ { c'2     } \addlyrics                      { Hi there }   \layout 
>>> {}}
>>> \score{ { c'2     } \addlyrics   \displayLilyMusic  { Hi there }   \layout 
>>> {}}
>>> \score{ { c'2     } \addlyrics { \displayLilyMusic  { Hi there } } \layout 
>>> {}}
>>> \score{ { c'2 2   } \addlyrics                      { Hi there }   \layout 
>>> {}}
>>> \score{ { c'2 2   } \addlyrics   \displayLilyMusic  { Hi there }   \layout 
>>> {}}
>>> \score{ { c'2 2   } \addlyrics { \displayLilyMusic  { Hi there } } \layout 
>>> {}}
>>> \score{ { c'2 2 2 } \addlyrics                      { Hi there }   \layout 
>>> {}}
>>> \score{ { c'2 2 2 } \addlyrics   \displayLilyMusic  { Hi there }   \layout 
>>> {}}
>>> \score{ { c'2 2 2 } \addlyrics { \displayLilyMusic  { Hi there } } \layout 
>>> {}}
>> Uh what?  How is the output correct?
> One, two, or three notes, lyrics as expected. See attached pdfs.
> To make things clear:
>  * \displayLilyMusic is  a music function, it never is acceptable to 
> \addlyrics in the current version of lilypond
>  * { \displayLilyMusic ... }  is always acceptable because it is a
>  grouped_music_list (but the current parser does not automatically
>  force lyric state)
Nope?  After \addlyrics there is forced lyric state.  That's why a
grouped_music_list is required.  It would be pointless to switch to
lyrics state for a MUSIC_IDENTIFIER since it does not parse differently.

At any rate, we don't implement "features" which we know to fail in a
number of cases because they cannot be done correctly.  It takes an
inordinary amount of work fixing up after people who think "reliable" is
the enemy of "good enough".

David Kastrup

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