Knut Petersen <> writes:

> Hi everybody!
> Is there a reason not to allow MUSIC_FUNCTIONs whenever
> MUSIC_IDENTIFIERs are allowed?


> One example is \addlyrics. It only accepts grouped_music_lists and

Intentionally so.  \addlyrics is a mode-changing command and it has to
change back afterwards.

parser.yy is actually quite explicit here:

// We must not have lookahead tokens parsed in lyric mode.  In order
// to save confusion, we take almost the same set as permitted with
// \lyricmode and/or \lyrics.  However, music identifiers are also
// allowed, and they obviously do not require switching into lyrics
// mode for parsing.

                parser->lexer_->push_lyric_state ();
        } grouped_music_list
                parser->lexer_->pop_state ();
                $$ = $2;

It's not like LilyPond is overdocumented.  When there is an explicit
comment, chances are that it's sort-of relevant.

David Kastrup

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