Il giorno mar 10 ott 2017 alle 13:52, Karlin High
<> ha scritto:
On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 6:09 AM, Federico Bruni <>
Thank you Karlin, I've started having a look at it, but I don't
have much
spare time these days...
The main problem with LilyDev master (version 5) is that it's meant
guile-2 migration (which seems stopped), but I guess that most of
contributors are not interested in this and want to be able to build
lilypond on master branch. So this is the main issue to fix in
For LilyDev, there are also other complaints from the configure
script. I saw something from libpango, GhostScript, extractpdfmark,
and possibly more. Reporting the details of these is on my LilyPond
to-do list. I was able to resolve the GhostScript issue by cloning the
git repository, doing a checkout on the tag for version 9.20, and
compiling from source. The other packages have further dependencies,
and I didn't follow the rabbit holes to their ends.
extractpdfmark is available on debian stretch, see:
It's not available in Fedora, unfortunately.
tlmgr is not available in Fedora either. So I compiled extractpdf from
Or maybe I should just move to LilyDevOS and forget LilyDev. It
would be
much easier for me.
And I can mostly make LilyDevOS work for me. But I'm a Debian native,
and the Fedora environment stumbles me sometimes.
I was already thinking about adding a Debian container. It will be
pretty quick.
The only problem is guile-1.8: I guess I'll have to pin it from sid.
So it would be: a fedora container, a debian container and a full
virtual machine running Fedora with LXQT desktop.
And THEN there's
going to be issues with the lily-git.tcl script; for the life of me I
couldn't get it connected from the terminal window to my X display,
even after further research on the instructions for it. The setup I
had involved XRDP for remote access, so I am blaming that.
I never used lily-git.tcl so I totally forgot about it.
In the container try updating your .bashrc this way (I've added
auxiliar to the path and an alias for lily-git):
$ tail ~/.bashrc
# Add other directories to the PATH
export PATH=$HOME/git-cl:$LILYPOND_GIT/scripts/auxiliar:$PATH
# Let some GUI programs work on host display
alias gitk="DISPLAY=:0 gitk"
alias lily-git.tcl="DISPLAY=:0 lily-git.tcl"
I will add these changes in next release.
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