On 2017/09/27 11:49:51, knupero wrote:
> How about just --pdf=<purpose> ?  One option less to remember.  This
is going
> be double the fun once we can generate PDF bypassing PS altogether.

Yes, even better.

> Sounds like a good strategy.  Just not in time for 2.20.

I tend to agree.

Well, so much for my plan of making the same options work for 2.20 and
2.21.  Perhaps one can amend the set of -dxxx specialist options and
keep them around, and then in 2.21 implement the more high-level
purpose-based system that sets a bunch of subordinate options then.

Then at least the specialist calls will keep doing the same (even though
the _motivation_ for using them might change, so it might lead to people
keeping behavior that they don't need any more).


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