On 9/8/17 12:47 PM, "lilypond-devel on behalf of Karlin High"
<lilypond-devel-bounces+c_sorensen=byu....@gnu.org on behalf of
gne...@hotmail.com> wrote:

>a snippet for the LSR,
>a reference in the documentation, perhaps under NR 1.1.4 Shape note heads,
>adding a feature to LilyPond, the command \aikenHeadsThin
>Any preference from the developers? I've read some of the contributor's
>guide, and doing the work looks like a fun challenge.

As much as I hate to have commands expand, I think given all of the other
shape note commands, we should probably go ahead and add a command
\aikenThinHeads  (rather than \aikenHeadsThin -- all of the others end
with Heads) and \aikenThinHeadsMinor.



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