Back in June, I was typing up some Aiken-heads music for a client. We
ran into a problem shown in the attached PNG and LY files, where
white-head notes end up too dark at lower staff sizes. The problem was
resolved by using thin-variant Aiken heads. However, arriving at that
solution was a little challenging. With web searches, I was able to find
that the thin-variant note heads existed, but not how to access them. A
post to lilypond-user got good help from Abraham Lee.
The solution was:
aikenHeadsThin = \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(doThin reThin miThin faThin
sol laThin tiThin)
Now I am wondering about having this information posted somewhere more
prominently. I understand the options could be...
a snippet for the LSR,
a reference in the documentation, perhaps under NR 1.1.4 Shape note heads,
adding a feature to LilyPond, the command \aikenHeadsThin
Any preference from the developers? I've read some of the contributor's
guide, and doing the work looks like a fun challenge.
Karlin High
Missouri, USA
% EXAMPLE FOR BUG REPORT: Aiken head white notes get harder to read at
% smaller staff sizes, especially with ledger lines. Losing interior
% white space makes them appear as quarter notes.
\version "2.19.62"
% Smaller staff size makes heavier lines
#(set-global-staff-size 15)
\score {
\key ees \major
% Stem direction controls shape note head alignment.
% For this example, use upstems to keep heavy horizontal lines adjacent.
<c'' aes'>2 <c' aes>2
% Switch to thin-variant noteheads
\set shapeNoteStyles = ##(doThin reThin miThin faThin sol laThin tiThin)
<c'' aes'>2 <c' aes>2
\layout {
\context {
% Ledger line size also affects this issue. Uncomment for more
% interior white space.
% \override StaffSymbol.ledger-line-thickness = #'(1.0 . 0.0)
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