Ok, I've started sorting out stable and master branch and pushed some
2.21-change on top of some already 2.21-only changes in master.

The next changes I'd want to push require convert-ly rules.  Those rules
have to be for 2.21.0 to avoid clashing with any work/fixes we may still
be making on the stable branch.  This means that we should stop
releasing from master until 2.20.0 has been released from the
stable/2.20 branch.  The stable/2.20 branch is currently wired for
making the next release as 2.19.80.  I don't know how many 2.19 releases
we will actually need.  I hope not more than a few until we are
reasonably sure 2.20 can be released without major backlash.

What should be done in stable/2.20?

Documentation/changes.tely should be reorganized: it is currently in
chronological order which does not make sense for the stable release.
It should be organized topically.  We want some assurance that recent
changes did not come with big followup problems.  And we want the
translation teams to have a chance of catching up to the current state.

David Kastrup

lilypond-devel mailing list

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