On 2017/02/17 07:27:27, git wrote:
On 2017/02/17 07:24:42, dak wrote:

> Documentation should not focus about how to use the wrong tool for
the job.
> If you want to document it, do it the other way round: explain how
you can keep
> the staves of a GrandStaff together and then mention that this
behavior is desired
> so often for piano that PianoStaff is already separately available.

I don't see how PianoStaff is the wrong tool to notate piano music.

But I will see to rewriting it the other way round.

Ok, I'll bite.  What kind of piano music is written like

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff = "up" <<
    \new Staff = "mid" <<
    \new Staff = "lo" <<

Because that is the example underlying your report.


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