2016-12-29 9:19 GMT+01:00 Federico Bruni <f...@inventati.org>:
> Il 28 dic 2016 8:46 PM Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

>> Though, I was surprised not to find the lilypond-git-repo. Did I
>> overlook somthing?
>> Anyway I cloned it manually.
> The first time you log in you should see a terminal popping up and asking for 
> your name and email for git commits; then all the required repos are 
> downloaded.
> The setup script is called by this file:
> https://github.com/fedelibre/LilyDev/blob/master/config/includes.chroot/etc/skel/.config/autostart/lilydev.desktop
> Do you have this file within your home directory? 
> ~/.config/autostart/lilydev.desktop
> Is qterminal installed?

qterminal is installed and lilydev.desktop is present, though I've
never seen it executed.

> I'm on a mobile phone now, I'll check it on 2nd of January.
>> Compiling LilyPond with ../configure --enable-guile2 returns:
>> [...]
>> WARNING: Please consider installing optional programs or files:  URW++
>> OTF fonts (download OTF files from
>> 'http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=urw-core35-fonts.git;a=commit;h=79bcdfb34fbce12b592cce389fa7a19da6b5b018'
>> and put them under '~/.local/share/fonts' etc., or use
>> --with-urwotf-dir) extractpdfmark (Optionally using Ghostscript >=
>> 9.20 together with Extract PDFmark can significantly reduce the disk
>> space required for building the documentation and the final PDF
>> files.)
>> [...]
>> May I suggest to include those fonts in next release?
> I thought about including the fonts, but then I changed my mind because they 
> are optional and there's an open issue in the tracker to find a solution for 
> this. But I can add them, if you think it's worth.

On second thought, leave them out, would increase diskspace even more.
Not worth it.

>> Otherwise it works fine so far, maybe a bit slower than usual. (Not
>> LilyPond, but the whole thingy.)
>> Or maybe more memory-consuming (I remember this from earlier versions of VB).
> Strange, I experienced the opposite. I guess that it depends on the hardware?


As a general off-topic side-note, I'm pretty annoyed by a lot of "up
to date" software.
It's often colorful/rich of features, yes, but very often without
further functionality. More annoying if there is no possibility to
switch such things off or having to search hours how to do it.
Those things are eating up my diskspace (I don't have much), nothing else.
I loved old Ubuntu 10.04 and kept it until it was impossible to
compile LilyPond with its ancient gcc-version.

Now I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 with cinnamon-desktop, which helps a bit, but
the perfomance is stil not as good as it was back with Ubuntu 10.04.
Which reminds of the sluggishness of LilyPond with guile-2.0.13 ...


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