On Fri, 25 Nov 2016 13:29:39 +0100
Knut Petersen <knut_peter...@t-online.de> wrote:

> Hi everybody!
> Status of guile on OpenSuSE distributions:
> ==========================================
> Building current lilypond master + the 15 patches from
> ao2.it/tmp/lilypond-guile2/patches_2016-11-22 using guile 2 on
> Tumbleweed succeeds too:

Thanks for the test Knut.

> Tests
> =====
> Compiling some of my own scores with both the guile 1 and guile
> 2 versions succeeds. The pdfs are visually identical, although they
> are not byte-identical. Compiling to postscript and comparing the
> results shows the reason:
>     knut@golem:~/Invention> diff Distler_LobeDenHerren_Schwabacher_g1.ps 
> Distler_LobeDenHerren_Schwabacher_g2.ps

> So there is no real problem, only an irrelevant difference in
> precision.

I noticed that too, but I haven't got the chance to investigate.

Another limitation is that lilypond (at least with guile-2) is dependent
on the user locale, and requires an UTF-8 locale to work in an
acceptable way.

> Speed
> =====
> Compiling a moderately complex score with both versions showed
> that the guile-2-version is much slower (real exec times):
>     guile-2-version: 0m20,032s 0m19,186 0m19,124s
>     guile-1-version: 0m8,814s 0m9,023s 0m8,971s

I started to keep a TODO of what is left to make lilypond with guile-2
comparable with lilypond with guile-1.8, investigating where the
slowdown is one item in the list.


Antonio Ospite

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
   See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posting_style
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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