Hi all

For those who want to contribute to the guile-2 migration, I suggest you use a Linux container, because I'm having troubles with building a new LilyDev image and I don't know when I'll find a solution.

I quickly wrote a brief tutorial to set up a Debian or Fedora guest within a systemd container (I guess that you need a recent distro).

# Linux container

## Create the guest system

### Debian

Install the following packages in your Debian-based host:

 sudo apt-get install systemd-container debootstrap

Then create the system (we'll use Debian testing, which has the required guile-2.0 package):

 mkdir debian
debootstrap --arch=amd64 stretch DebianStretch http://httpredir.debian.org/debian/
 sudo systemd-nspawn -D debian

### Fedora

If you have Fedora, you can use this command:

 mkdir fedora
sudo dnf --releasever=25 --installroot=/absolute/path/to/fedora install systemd passwd dnf fedora-release
 sudo systemd-nspawn -D fedora

## Guest setup

Whatever you chose, Debian or Fedora, let's continue from the last command. The system will boot without asking for a password and you'll be the root user.
Let's set the root password and close:

 shutdown -h now

Start it again with the -b option (now you'll have to login as root using
the password you chose):

 sudo systemd-nspawn -bD DebianStretch

Let's install LilyPond dependencies and some useful packages.
If you have Debian:

 apt-get install git nano
 apt-get build-dep lilypond

If you have Fedora:

 dnf install dnf-plugins-core git nano
 dnf builddep lilypond

Create a regular user for working on LilyPond source:

 adduser dev

Switch to dev user:

 su dev

Now you are in /home/dev in your guest. You can use your host file manager to
copy lilypond-git from your host to /home/dev/ in your guest.  Same for
~/.gitconfig, if you don't want to repeat the setup.

Use nano for git commit messages.
If you prefer, the LilyPond source files can be edited in the host system,
where you have also the GUI and your usual applications.


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