
just to confirm my understanding about some previous items.

On Thu, 17 Nov 2016 13:05:47 +0100
Antonio Ospite <a...@ao2.it> wrote:

> I compared the postscript output of the same lilypond git revision built
> with both guile-1.8 (in a debian stable container) and guile-2.0, and by
> looking closely at this issue the conversion from postscript to pdf
> fails for two possible reasons:
>   1. The numbers are represented with the decimal separator from the
>      locale instead of a period;

If I got it right this happens because the custom formatting functions
defined in lilypond (lily/general-scheme.cc) use the "%f" format
specifier, but in a guile-2.0 scenario lilypond calls
  (setlocale LC_ALL "")
which brings in LC_NUMERIC from the environment which affects the "%f"

So making lilypond more locale-independent as David suggested in
another message, and removing the setlocale call, could fix this too.

For the time being I am overriding LC_NUMERIC in a few places:

>   2. The embedded fonts are encoded in UTF-8, while it looks like that
>      when using guile-1.8 the postscript file is encoded in latin1:

Again, here, the UTF-8 encoding for the file port seems to be brought
in from the locale, maybe via make-tmpfile called in

For now I am hardcoding the Latin1 encoding for the postscript output:

But could dropping the (setlocale LC_ALL "") help here too?
Or would it be better to use a binary port for output as well, to be

Ciao ciao,

Antonio Ospite

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
   See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posting_style
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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