David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:

> Simon Albrecht <simon.albre...@mail.de> writes:
>> On 13.08.2016 10:29, David Kastrup wrote:
>>> \part.1 in contrast is slightly different.  I'll work on improvements by
>>> and by but at the current point of time this is not really at a "proudly
>>> announceable by snippets" state.  It still has drawbacks and irks.
>> It seems that others as well as I have been thinking it is a great new
>> feature and started to use it quite often, so I wonder if there is any
>> kind of caveat for using it yet: will the functionality or syntax
>> change? or are those changes merely concerning
>> implementation/performance issues?
> At the current point of time I think that \part.1 does not copy the
> music expression.  That's pretty bad if you do stuff like
> <<
>   \transpose c' d' { \part.1 }
>   \transpose c' d' { \part.1 }
> That's sort of a deal-breaker so I'll address it soon.

I was wrong about that part.  Music expressions were actually copied,
however others (like scores and output definitions) were not.

A fix for that is proposed as issue 4957.

> Also you cannot use \part.1 everywhere that \partI would work: it's a
> subset.  In particular, it won't work very satisfactorily for post
> events.  That's not as bad as the first problem: if it doesn't work
> yet, it doesn't and one sees it right away.

That one still holds.

David Kastrup

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