>> In my environment (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64 bit), the error does not occur.
>> Would you tell me the environment which the error occurs?
> Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 32 bit.
> FYI I had to make a small change to the GMP spec to accommodate 32 bit
> - my patch shows what I had to do.

If you don't use the patch, do any errors occur?

>> Anyway, this error means that
>> cross-compiler gcc (for freebsd-64) tries to open "librestrict.so".
>> "librestrict.so" is for host OS (perhaps Linux)
>> instead of for target OS (freebsd-64).
>> If I understand correctly,
>> cross-compiler gcc does not need to open "librestrict.so".
>> I don't know why cross-compiler gcc tries to open "librestrict.so".
>> Moreover, at least a few weeks ago, the error did not occur.
>> My recent pull request does not change gcc.
>> I wonder why cross-compiler gcc began to open "librestrict.so".
> Perhaps your fix to librestrict made something work that was not
> previously, and so an error is now detected?

I've noticed that this librestrict-error is secondary-effect.

If I understand correctly,
the first error is

> x86_64-freebsd6-gcc: internal compiler error: Illegal instruction (program 
> cc1)

Then, gcc tried to open "librestrict.so" for showing debugging information.
So secondary-effect librestrict-error was occured.

To confirm this hypothesis,
would you try the following command and show me the result (config.log etc.)?

$ LIBRESTRICT_ALLOW=/ bin/gub --fresh freebsd-64::fontconfig

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