2015-05-05 3:10 GMT+02:00 Paul Morris <p...@paulwmorris.com>:

> Automatic formatting/indenting of C++ files currently doesn't work "out of
>> the box” and there’s no easy way to manually get it to work.  Artistic
>> Style 2.02 is required for LilyPond’s fixcc.py but LilyDev3 has 2.01, which
>> is the version provided by Debian and the only version available through
>> apt-get.  Version 2.02 is no longer available from SourceForge.  Possible
>> solution: make fixcc.py work with Artistic Style 2.01 (Federico wrote that
>> LilyDev will provide the default Debian version of Artistic Style so that
>> rules out upgrading it to 2.02.)  (Another possible solution: does LilyPond
>> need its own formatting style or would the GNU one work fine and avoid this
>> maintenance/overhead?)
> Jessie has version 2.04:
> https://packages.debian.org/jessie/astyle
> Is it ok?
> It's definitely better.  The comment in fixcc.py is pretty insistent that
> it only works with astyle 2.02 so I think we'll need a tracker issue for
> updating fixcc.py to work with astyle 2.04 (but at least upgrading should
> be easier than downgrading).


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