
2015-05-05 22:34 GMT-07:00 Federico Bruni <fedel...@gmail.com>:
> 2015-05-06 7:19 GMT+02:00 Janek Warchoł <janek.lilyp...@gmail.com>:
>> as I've already mentioned, I've already started working on a new
>> LilyDev.  I'm going to use tools that should make it easy to build
>> different versions of LilyDev (e.g. 32-bit and 64-bit, possibly also
>> based on different distros).
> I though that you had some ideas on how to improve LilyDev, not that you
> were working on building a new LilyDev..

Sorry for not being clear enough.

> I'll wait for your prototype, even if it looks like a work duplication
> already.
> Why not improving what's already available? Which advantages have the tools
> you are using?

I _am_ going to improve what's already available; i'll just use
different tools to do the job.  I have seen fedelibre/LilyDev
repository on Github - thanks for putting it up! - and I'm basing my
work on it. :)

As for the tools, I'm going to use Vagrant with Ansible.  I have
worked with them before and I think they should enable us to make the
process of both creating and deploying LilyDev more automated, simpler
and probably also faster.  Besides, I'm simply curious of how they'll
perform in this task, so i'm going to try them anyway.

Now, for the next couple days I need to focus 100% on my day job, so
I'll be completely unresponsive until weekend.  Therefore I really
suggest to wait with further discussion.  You know, I have already
thought about most of the issues mentioned in this thread ;-)


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