2015-03-17 11:36 GMT+01:00 Peter Bjuhr <peterbj...@gmail.com>:

> On 2015-03-17 11:24, Thomas Morley wrote:
> I also tried|\rightHandFinger #5| and an 'x' was printed. As I understand
>> it 'x' is printed for all non supported numbers.
>  No. 'x' _is_ the sign for the 5th finger in LilyPond
> I see. \rightHandFinger #8 also gives an x (and of course considering x as
> unknown). I then assumed it was because it wasn't defined.

To be more precise, 'x' is the sign for the 5th finger _and_ will be
returned for all finger-numbers > 5
see: 'stroke-finger::calc-text' in output-lib.scm

>> But although perhaps not so common the fifth finger is used (with the
>> letter 'c'):
>> 1 = p = pulgar,     2 = i = índice,     3 = m = mayor,     4 = a =
>> anular,    5 = c = chiquito
>  I slightly disagree.
>  In printed editions I've found: 'c', 'x', 'e' and even 'μ' (from a greek
> editor)
>  LilyPond should default to the most common usage, imho.
>  Though, I've no clue which that might be.
>  Speaking only for me, I most often see 'x', but that's only me.
>  Even though I havn't seen anything else besides pima, I think your point
> about completeness is right and c is better than x.
> Do you have a reference for that? I found some occurences of "c" on the
> web but also "e":http://guitaralliance.com/p-i-m-a-unleashed/pima-in-detail/
> Interesting, I had no idea there was an disagreement on this. I've learnt
> 'pimac' in contact with guitarists. But as a reference I read this in
> wikipedia:
>  The classical guitar <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_guitar> also
> has a fingering notation system for the plucking
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_guitar#Plucking_of_the_string> hand,
> known as *pima* (or less commonly* pimac*), abbreviations of Spanish;
> where *p*=*pulgar* (thumb), *i*=*índice* (index finger), *m*=*medio* (middle
> finger),*a*=*anular* (ring finger) and, very rarely, *c*=*chico* (little
> finger).[4] <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fingering#cite_note-4> It is
> usually only notated in scores where a passage is particularly difficult,
> or requires specific fingering for the plucking hand. Otherwise,
> plucking-hand fingering is generally left to the discretion of the
> guitarist.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fingering

The german wikipedia says: p, i, m, a, q !!

> Best
> Peter
To summarize:
There are different opinions which character should be used for the 5th
StrokeFinger and printed editions differ.

IMHO, LilyPond should default to the most common _and_ should offer an easy
to manage way to change the default behaviour.

The former might be done by a poll on the user-list.
The latter is already in place:

\relative c {
  \clef "treble_8"
  \override StrokeFinger.digit-names = ##("p" "i" "m" "a" "c")
  c4\rightHandFinger #1
  e\rightHandFinger #2
  g\rightHandFinger #3
  c\rightHandFinger #4
  e1\rightHandFinger #5

  <c,\rightHandFinger #1
   e\rightHandFinger #2
   g\rightHandFinger #3
   c\rightHandFinger #4
   e\rightHandFinger #5

Thinking further about use cases, or better how to abuse, I redefined
Now more signs for fingers may be recognized.

#(define (stroke-finger::custom-calc-text grob)
  (let* ((event (event-cause grob))
         (digit-names (ly:grob-property grob 'digit-names))
         (digit-names-length (vector-length digit-names))
         (digit-event (ly:event-property event 'digit))
         (text-event (ly:event-property event 'text #f)))
    (or text-event
        (vector-ref digit-names
                    (1- (max 1
                             (min digit-names-length digit-event)))))))

\relative c {
  \clef "treble_8"
  \override StrokeFinger.text =#stroke-finger::custom-calc-text
  \override StrokeFinger.digit-names =
  %##("p" "i" "m" "a" "c" "q")
  #(vector "p" "i" "m" "a" "c" (markup #:with-color red "remark"))
  c4\rightHandFinger #1
  e\rightHandFinger #2
  g\rightHandFinger #3
  c\rightHandFinger #4
  e2\rightHandFinger #5
  g\rightHandFinger #6

  <c,,\rightHandFinger #1
   e\rightHandFinger #2
   g\rightHandFinger #3
   c\rightHandFinger #4
   e\rightHandFinger #5
   g\rightHandFinger #6

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