2015-03-17 11:00 GMT+01:00 Peter Bjuhr <peterbj...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> I just noticed that in the documentation about right-hand fingerings in
> the common notation for fretted strings: http://www.lilypond.org/doc/
> v2.19/Documentation/notation/common-notation-for-fretted-
> strings#right_002dhand-fingerings the fifth finger isn't mentioned.
> I also tried|\rightHandFinger #5| and an 'x' was printed. As I understand
> it 'x' is printed for all non supported numbers.

No. 'x' _is_ the sign for the 5th finger in LilyPond

> But although perhaps not so common the fifth finger is used (with the
> letter 'c'):
> 1 = p = pulgar,     2 = i = índice,     3 = m = mayor,     4 = a =
> anular,    5 = c = chiquito

I slightly disagree.
In printed editions I've found: 'c', 'x', 'e' and even 'μ' (from a greek
LilyPond should default to the most common usage, imho.

Though, I've no clue which that might be.
Speaking only for me, I most often see 'x', but that's only me.

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