Mark Knoop <> writes:

> At 15:40 on 21 Aug 2014, Phil Holmes wrote:
>>Let's see if anyone else has an opinion.
> I am inclined to agree with David. The function should not have a
> different default alignment for the instrument name. It is a shame that
> the instrument name alignment can't be calculated from any existing
> layout settings,

"calculated" would be more or less issue 766 which is, so far, an
unsolved issue for LilyPond as such.  I was more thinking of "taken".
Taking the alignment from the normal Staff setting is a bit tricky if we
need to override it at the same time in order to place the
instrument+incipit combo as an artificial (and right-aligned)

> but the alternative method suggested by David seems reasonable.

It is probably feasible to fudge around the "existing layout settings"
issue by _not_ overriding InstrumentName.self-alignment-X in the first
place but rather fudging over InstrumentName.offset-X in order to get
the same effect.  Then one can take the unmolested
InstrumentName.self-alignment-X from the outer Staff and interpret it
using grob::self-aligned-on-x in the score markup instrumentName: it is
much less likely that a user will try fiddling with the offset-X
callback than with the self-alignment-X setting.

Or one can use a technique similar to what \offset does internally.  So
there are possibilities for getting a "more usual" behavior where the
alignment setting is siphoned off from the main Staff.

Once one can agree that it is the right thing to do.

David Kastrup

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