On 2014/05/27 09:38:11, PhilEHolmes wrote:
Please review

According to the comparison images in
https://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=3902#c5 this is
definitely an improvement. (I had looked for that issue myself, but I
have to admit that I have to stop when entering the C++ area ...).

But what would you think about going one step further and place voiced
rests by default at the same position as \oneVoice rests? This would
make the regularly asked question about merging rests obsolete. The rest
would appear identical to a \oneVoice rest if there isn't any other
object in the way. The voice number assignment would then "only"
determine the direction the rests would move to.

Another approach which would be an even more significant improvement
(but definitely much more involved) would be to try to determine pitches
of surrounding notes in the same voice, which can avoid ambiguities
(Maybe it's a good idea to reread
which was my first encounter of the problem).

Please note that these are only suggestions, no objections against the


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