File ly/ (right):
ly/ #{ \once\override
Staff.TimeSignature.stencil =
On 2014/05/10 20:49:09, janek wrote:
Shouldn't this override be at Score level?

Any other ideas?
I have the impression that Staff. works just as well?
ly/ #(map (lambda (x) #{ \markup
\center-column #(map number->string x) #})
On 2014/05/10 20:49:08, janek wrote:
This assumes that the user will input lists of 2 elements.  What if
the user
enters just one number, or more than two, for example
#'((6 1 8)(5)) ?  The function should either handle such input
gracefully or
emit a warning/error.

Entering more than two numbers seems gracefully enough:
A column of the given numbers will be created and the first two are used
for the effective time. The result is self-explaining IMO.

But entering only one number will actually fail with an error that
doesn't point the user to the right place or cause. So I agree that this
should be improved.

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