
I'm going to continue my website work.
As discussed earlier I have written an additional page about the editing->compiling concept. While this is essentially self-evident it seems that we need an additional step to get new users on the right track here. The page will be added between "Text input" and the "Easier editing" page with the editors' list.

Before uploading a patch for review I have a set of technical questions regarding images.

You can see a draft of the new page at http://www.ursliska.de/lilyweb/editing.html (any clickable items won't work there). Although I will of course listen to comments about the content I would appreciate if the discussion could mostly concentrate on the technical issues.

As you can see I have created a flowchart to visualize the relation between the different parts of the editing cycle.

If it were simple the two PNG files I knew that I would have to add them to lilypond-extra and open a pull request so Graham could add it there. But: This image is generated with LaTeX and contains text that should be localized.

a) in what form should I provide such an image that it can be
translated and modified in the future? I.e. I would prefer to add the .tex source somewhere and have some automated way to process it (including the conversion to PNG which I've done manually for now). b) is there a way to provide a way to generate vector versions for use in the PDF manuals?


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