Am 13.01.2014 14:04, schrieb Werner LEMBERG:
>> For me it now looks heavily distorted (wrong aspect ratio)
> Which browser?

Firefox 26, Chromium and Konqueror 4.8.5 - also after reload.

> On the other hand, the uncropped SVG image
> gets displayed fine, while the cropped SVG image
> (cropping done with Inkscape) exhibits color mistakes in Firefox's SVG
> handling.  Sigh.  I thought that displaying SVG images is mature
> meanwhile.

Yes, it shows more blue objects than the original, no red.
The article image links to the uncropped image and shows the
corresponding ~A4 aspect ratio. The content however is the cropped one.
The article has not changed, the image has.

> BTW, how can I make Lilypond crop the SVG, similar to EPS output?

I only know the setting of the paper dimensions beforehand.

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