Hi Frederic,

2013/7/14 Frédéric Bron <frederic.b...@m4x.org>:
> Hi Janek,
> I see this in your "bad" examples of ties:
> d'4~ s4 d' s2 e'4~ s4 e' s
> How do you justify that this should work with non logical spacers included?

What do you mean by "non logical spacers"?  I don't quite understand
this question.

> I tried to replace this with logical spacers and do not get any issue:
>   << {
>>   \repeat unfold 8 { d''8[ d''] }
>   } \\ {
>     d'4~ d' e'4~ e'
>   } >>

Well, in your example stems are in a different direction, which
affects the formatting of tie.  Try this instead:
  { \repeat unfold 8 { d''8 } }
  { d'4~ d' e'4~ e' }

> But what you mean is probably that it should be independent of the
> fact that this is logical or not, it should only depend on begin and
> end notes?
> But in d'4~ s4 d': is the tie bounding d'4 to d' or d'4 to s4?

Of course it is connecting the d's, not the spacer rest.  I've used
tieWaitForNote for this.  Generally the spacer rests are only for the
purpose of producing different spacing.


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