My patchy is also now running and, as far as I could tell, pushed Keith's changes with no issues, I then see that Phil did some stuff on his side and also pushed to staging afterwards, I assume he just runs patchy manually to merge staging.
My lilydev is still back at Ubuntu 12.04, I don't know what Phil uses (I think he uses a Mint distribution). I'll see how quick I can set up a 13.04 dev envir on some machines here at work and see if I get the same issues as David. As to the merge, if it really is still an issue on Phil's Dev env. Then I can use mine to push (or see if we get similar problems). James On 27 May 2013 09:02, David Kastrup <> wrote: > writes: > > > File > "/home/patchy/lilypond-extra/patches/compile_lilypond_test/", > line 328, in build > > issue_id) > > File > "/home/patchy/lilypond-extra/patches/compile_lilypond_test/", > line 266, in runner > > raise FailedCommand ("Failed runner: %s\nSee the log file %s" % > (command, this_logfilename)) > > FailedCommand: Failed runner: nice make doc -j9 CPU_COUNT=9 -s > > See the log file log-staging-nice-make-doc--j9-CPU_COUNT=9--s.txt > > Anything in here? The commits in between have some relatively minor > documentation work by Keith, minor changes by the release, and the > spacing change bundle by myself. That spacing change bundle will, of > course, also apply to all of the documentation, and Ghostscript has > independently stopped working for me on Raring Ringtail, so I have > little possibility to verify. Ghostscript itself has not been updated > recently, so it is more likely some Apparmor or library setting that has > rendered Ghostscript on my system non-cooperative (to the degree where > even using LilyPond 2.16.0 will not work either on some documentation > files). > > Is it possible that you got hit by the same? > > -- > David Kastrup > > > _______________________________________________ > lilypond-devel mailing list > > >
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