
>   File 
> "/home/patchy/lilypond-extra/patches/compile_lilypond_test/", line 
> 328, in build
>     issue_id)
>   File 
> "/home/patchy/lilypond-extra/patches/compile_lilypond_test/", line 
> 266, in runner
>     raise FailedCommand ("Failed runner: %s\nSee the log file %s" % (command, 
> this_logfilename))
> FailedCommand: Failed runner: nice make doc -j9 CPU_COUNT=9 -s
> See the log file log-staging-nice-make-doc--j9-CPU_COUNT=9--s.txt

Anything in here?  The commits in between have some relatively minor
documentation work by Keith, minor changes by the release, and the
spacing change bundle by myself.  That spacing change bundle will, of
course, also apply to all of the documentation, and Ghostscript has
independently stopped working for me on Raring Ringtail, so I have
little possibility to verify.  Ghostscript itself has not been updated
recently, so it is more likely some Apparmor or library setting that has
rendered Ghostscript on my system non-cooperative (to the degree where
even using LilyPond 2.16.0 will not work either on some documentation

Is it possible that you got hit by the same?

David Kastrup

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