On 2013/03/07 07:19:01, janek wrote:

i like the idea of \relative interpreting the first pitch "in
absolute" if
there's no explicit reference pitch.

However, i don't think we should promote this way of doing things:
it's a
shorthand, and with LilyPond it's usually better to be explicit.

It is no shorthand.  When discussing "policy" for \relative, the
standard question we are fuzzing about is "what pitch to pick for
\relative when the first pitch should be x'''".  That requires making
an arbitrary choice, and we had different policies at different times,
and none are used consistently.

So the proposal is not pick any pitch at all for \relative when the
first pitch should be x''' but rather just write x''' period.

That's not a "shorthand", much like \transpose c' c' { g } is not a
"shorthand" for { g }.

So, +1 for changing the behaviour of \relative, but -1 for using
this everywhere in docs.

I don't think using it everywhere would be bad.  Using it for 40% of
all cases would be bad: I agree with Keith on that.


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