File scm/output-lib.scm (right):
scm/output-lib.scm:54: (define-public (non-event-cause grob)
Mike, this function is total crap.  What is it supposed to do?  Events
are _never_ caused by grobs, so the first branch in the cond is
nonsense.  This is essentially
(let ((cause (ly:grob-property grob 'cause)))
    (and (ly:grob? cause) cause))
and nothing else.  What you presumably meant (but it is hard to guess,
given that you fail to document anything) is
(and (ly:grob? cause) (or (non-event-cause cause) cause))
namely the last grob cause in a row, if any.  Of course,
non-event-cause for that function would then be quite silly,
and last-grob-cause more appropriate.

Can you _please_ make this do anything useful _and_ document what it is
supposed to do?

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