I haven't gotten so far to see the main point, yet.

File lily/box-quarantine.cc (right):

lily/box-quarantine.cc:24: Box_quarantine::Box_quarantine (Real padding,
Axis a)
So far it looks like this handles fingering only.  Other similar
problems are handled with a XX_Collision object, so maybe just call this
Fingering_Collision ?

lily/box-quarantine.cc:56: the beam cannot start.  it iterates through
these boxes,
Stray comment.  This routine is not used for anything to do with beams.

lily/box-quarantine.cc:70: return fabs (ii0.index_ - mid) < fabs
(ii1.index_ - mid);
C provides subtraction on unsigned integers, so you can do
hardware-oriented things like 0xFFFE - 3 => 0xFFEA  and have the result
come out automatically as an unsigned type.

Here, index_ is unsigned, so the type of the result of the subtraction
is unsigned, so sort_towards_middle() --- which is really only the
comparison function 'closer_to_middle()' --- gives you not the order you
intended.  For example, try
  <c-1 d-2 e-3 f-4 g-5 a-6 b-7>2

However, I think performing the arrangement from the middle out does
help in the algorithm below.  It seems to work just as well without the

lily/box-quarantine.cc:86: scratch.intersect (boxes_to_quarantine_[i +
If you look only at adjacent boxes, and work from middle out, then with
boxes   A B C D E F G   you might push box B clear beyond A before even
looking for an A-B collision.

Maybe you intended to widen by padding_, otherwise the resulting boxes
do not get moved if they are closer to each other than padding_.

lily/box-quarantine.cc:102: while (dirty);
Can be quite a long loop.  If you have three overlapping boxes A B C,
you move B-A apart to clear, worsening the overlap B-C, then move B-C
apart to clear, restoring most of the A-B overlap.  Convergence is in
the style of Xeno's paradox, sped along somewhat by epsilon and

Additional overlapping boxes D add additional nesting layers to the
convergence process.

File lily/script-engraver.cc (right):

lily/script-engraver.cc:270: // we never want Script grobs to be tucked
down next to stems
The patch changes  'chord-scripts.ly'  in a way inconsistent with this
comment at the moment.

However, I can imagine that in dense music someone would want
'add-stem-support=##f for their Scripts, so that a staccato can tuck in
next to a stem, much like we often do with Fingering in piano music.


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