Am 05.10.2012 21:42, schrieb Thomas Morley:
2012/10/5  <>:
Marc wrote:
(define-bar-line ...) or \defineBarLine allows for new
definitions. These functions have four arguments,
namely the bar line itself, the bar line used at the end
of line, the bar line used at the begin of a new line
and the span bar line.

It just occured to me: is there any way to specify different span bar
lines (at the end of the line and at the beginning of the line)?

Marc and me, we discussed this some time ago and decided not to
provide that functionality.
IIRC, I was the one which *proposed* the idea of having different
span bars but decided to continue with one span bar per bar line
only, because I treid to adopt the old c++ way in which the span bars
werde defined and handled.

So this was more or less *my* fault.

Thinking a bit more in detail, I think the input format
\define BarLine #'(bar end-of-line begin-of-line) #'(span-bar end-of-line begin-of-line)
or alternatively
\define BarLine #'(bar end-of-line begin-of-line) #'(span-bar)
which expands internally to
\define BarLine #'(bar end-of-line begin-of-line) #'(span-bar span-bar span-bar)
is indeed the cleanest solution.

With my current approach, Lilypond raises a warning if the corresponding
span bar to [begin|end]-of-line-bar is not defined.
So your proposal is definitively better.

It would make things more complicated for the user and I think it is a
rarely needed feature.

This was my first opinion, too, but on the other hand, a cryptic warning and
the need to define one or two additional bar lines to get rid of it is not
user-friedly either.



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