2012/10/5  <janek.lilyp...@gmail.com>:
> Marc wrote:
>> (define-bar-line ...) or \defineBarLine allows for new
>> definitions. These functions have four arguments,
>> namely the bar line itself, the bar line used at the end
>> of line, the bar line used at the begin of a new line
>> and the span bar line.
> It just occured to me: is there any way to specify different span bar
> lines (at the end of the line and at the beginning of the line)?
> Janek

Marc and me, we discussed this some time ago and decided not to
provide that functionality.
It would make things more complicated for the user and I think it is a
rarely needed feature.

BTW, you can change the SpanBar at line-end/begin even with 2.14.2
using some scheme:

\version "2.14.2"

#(define (change-span-bar-at-line-begin g)
  (if (and (ly:item? g)
           (equal? (ly:item-break-dir g) RIGHT))
      (ly:grob-set-property! g 'glyph-name ":")))

cSp = \once\override Score.SpanBar #'after-line-breaking =

\new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff \relative c' { c1 \bar ":|:" \cSp \break d }
\new Staff \relative c' { c1 \break d }


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